Wednesday 8 September 2010

Evangelists Conference

This is the blurb for the evangelists conference in October, which takes on place on Thursday 7th October:

The Gospel is the message about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. But how often in our gospel witness – whether that is in formal preaching, or in casual conversations and Bible studies – do we default to talking about doctrinal ideas and philosophy rather than the person of Christ.

We are delighted to welcome Sinclair Ferguson from Scotland (via the USA) as our main speaker at this year’s Conference. Sinclair brings years of experience in active evangelism among adults, students and children to help us hone our understanding of the way our preaching and gospel conversations should be connecting people with the Lord Jesus. We will benefit enormously from his grasp of New Testament doctrine, and from his creative thinking about how to present our Lord and Saviour to the modern world.

We return this year to our normal pattern of practical seminars (listed below), which will cater for a wide variety of specialisms and interests that those in evangelistic ministry may have.

The Timetable
10.00 Welcome & introduction - Rico Tice
10.15 Behold the Man! - Sinclair Ferguson
11.00 Coffee
11.35 Jesus the Victor! - Sinclair Ferguson
12.30 Lunch

1.45 Seminar sessions
A: The state of the nation
B: Preaching Jesus in the inner city
C: Lessons from history
D: Preaching Jesus in a pluralistic culture

2.45 Refreshments
3.15 Taking Jesus just as He is - Sinclair Ferguson
4.10 Summary & Depart

You can download the full brochure as a PDF by clicking on the link to the website on the side bar. You can book tickets at the Good Book Company website.

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