Thursday 29 September 2011


I'm doing some thinking on prayer for Gospel Group tonight, the basis of prayer, how and why we pray, our misunderstandings about prayer and our need to understand the liberating relational nature of the bibles teaching on prayer.  Here are 5 questions to use as a diagnostic tool on your thinking (assumptions) about prayer:

Which of these are true you:
a. When I think about prayer I focus on...
...what I am like as a praying Christian or  ...on God what our heavenly Father is like

b. God hears my prayers because...
...because I am good and faithful or ...Jesus is faithful and acceptable on my behalf.

c. I am motivated to pray by...
...the power of prayer to move God to act or ...the power of God who allows his children to share in his reveal purposes

d. when you think about God bringing about his purposes do you mainly think about...
...what God has done, is doing, and will do or ...a remote future event

e. when struggling with prayer do you...
...take distractions, how overwhelmed you feel and the mess of life to your loving Father or ...struggle and give up because you just can’t pray as you should?

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