Friday 24 July 2015

Reading the Bible slowly

I'm not very good at slow.  I tend to want everything to be face paced and aimed at a purpose, a target.  That's true in the way I do sport, if I'm running I have a time to beat, if I'm cycling a distance to cover always pushing to beat the previous time.  I am very target driven and that can be a problem when it comes to read the bible.  I've read the Bible through in a year a few times, last year I tried to read it all through in 3 months which was in some ways great to see the connections, join dots, get caught up in the story, but in other ways not so great.  I missed so much detail - like being on a high speed train the people and beauty of the scenery became just a blur.  And at times it felt as if the goal was to finish rather than to get to know God better and hear his voice understand him and myself and his world better and be changed by what I discovered.

So for the next few weeks, starting Monday, I'm going to deliberately slow down.  I'm going to slowly read through a book of the bible a few verses at a time, or maybe some days just one verse at a time and attempt to stop and spend more time thinking through what it says.  More time dwelling in the words God has written to us so that I drink in more of the beauty and complexity of what God is saying.  It's a bit of an experiment for me, it's certainly very counter my personality.  But it's an attempt to reign in my slightly ADHD personality with it's desire to get on, to go faster, do more and so on.

I'm going to try to blog my progress, share my thoughts about each small section as I go, day by day.  Not saying it'll be profound, it probably will be far from it, but you're welcome to journey with me.

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