Friday 7 August 2015

Bible Reading: Acts 1:12-26

How do we read the world?  As I open the news website or listen to the radio how do I assimilate and make sense of what I am seeing or hearing?  When some event impacts me personally how do I bring the Bible to bear on it whether that is something good or bad?

As the disciples are met together in the upper room there is an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed.  Judas.  Judas who betrayed Jesus to the temple authorities, though he had been one of them, one of the twelve.  This is a challenge for the embryonic church, what are they to make of Judas?  Can they trust their leaders?  What about the other disciples?

It's telling that it's Peter who addresses the issue, Peter who knew the pain of denying Jesus but also the joy of gracious restoration.  Peter (15-19) uses scripture to interpret the events of the world.  As he addresses the Judas question Peter has been taught during the 40 days Jesus was with the disciples how scripture prophesied the events of Jesus death, how God was working sovereignly even through sin and betrayal weaving even those rebellious actions into his plan to bring about his glorious salvation through Jesus.  So as Peter addresses the Judas question he uses the Bible as the lens through which disciples understand the world.

He turns to Psalm 69, and he sees there words which foretold of Judas betrayal and judgement.  In that Psalm David calls on God to judge those who are opposed to God's king and his kingdom plans and purposes.  Peter says that is what happened with Judas.  Peter doesn't sweep it under the carpet, he doesn't wait for a good day to bury bad news.  Judas was responsible for his sin and his opposition to Jesus the Messiah and now God has judged Judas(18-19).

God's people, Jesus disciples, don't read God through the lens of events, we read events through the lens of God's word.  That is the foundation on which the church is built.  I have to learn to do the same thing if I want to avoid being tossed about by life and events.

The Bible is relevant and vital to us here and now, we live by it's light.  As change happens all around us we trust God is sovereign and the future is in his hands as the Bible teaches us.  When I face suffering I don't listen to what the world says for my approach to it, I diligently study the scriptures for my perspective on it.  When persecution happens or opposition or rejection I must not let events set my perspective and my course but seek to learn from scripture what God says about piloting my course through such.

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