Tuesday 20 September 2016

Praying for us to obeying our calling in our community

On Sunday we responded to God's word to us as a church by praying this prayer together, it is borrowed from the Redeemer New York service I was at 9 months ago.  
Minister: In a world filled with brokenness, confusion, darkness, mourning and loneliness, God has called His people to bring the healing light of the gospel into every sector of our town through every profession, institution and calling.  There is no inch of this town where his gospel cannot redeem.
All:           We repent of how we have overlooked this great calling we have been given.  The Spirit is waking us to see this mission in God’s world.
                 We surrender all that we are to serve you, O Lord, our Rock, and King.
                 We pray for your power, renouncing our selfish pride, to serve our town with excellence in our respective roles, jobs and professions.
                 We rest in your unfailing love, which dissolves all bitterness, fear, anxiety, and resentment, so that this world will know we belong to you.
                 We ask that you would open our eyes to see how the gospel is powerfully at work to transform hearts, communities, and the world.
Minister: And I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Whom shall I send, who will go for us?”
All:           Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
Minister: Go into all the world: work, build, design, write, dance, laugh, sing, create and care.
All:           We go with the assurance of God’s great commission.
Minister: Go into all the world: risk, explore, discover, and love.
All:           We go with the assurance of God’s abundant grace.
Minister: Go into all the world: believe, hope, struggle, persevere, and remember
All:       We go with the assurance of God’s unfailing love.  Amen

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